Openness and honesty are essential
ingredients for a great relationship but being in love, or thinking that we are
in love can cause us to do some unwise things, including spilling every detail
about our lives to that person we think we are in love with.

If it’s not necessary, you don’t need
to share it—If the information
has no bearing on your current relationship and is likely to stir up
unnecessary jealousy and insecurity on the part of your partner, keep your
mouth closed. In some instances, certain information is necessary for you to
share. For example, if you have a criminal past, or you’ve had a medical
procedure done in the past, which is affecting your ability to have children
with your current partner, this is not information you should keep from your
partner. If you are about to introduce your partner to a previous lover for business or other purposes, tell him/her you were once involved with this person or your secret could come back to haunt you. These are things you should not keep your partner in the dark about.
However, if you cheated in a previous relationship, you have never cheated on your current partner and have a great relationship going with no interest in cheating, what’s the purpose of telling your partner you cheated in a previous relationship? Not every man can handle certain information, even if it’s from your past. Your unnecessary confession could do more harm than good to your current relationship.
However, if you cheated in a previous relationship, you have never cheated on your current partner and have a great relationship going with no interest in cheating, what’s the purpose of telling your partner you cheated in a previous relationship? Not every man can handle certain information, even if it’s from your past. Your unnecessary confession could do more harm than good to your current relationship.
Raging hormones can cause you to not
think rationally—When we feel like we are in love, we are likely to make decisions with
our heart and not our head. One of the biggest mistakes particularly women make
is to let loose after a good sex session.
When oxytocin is released during lovemaking, that feeling of attachment
is very high. Unfortunately, that is when a lot of women throw caution to the
wind and begin to talk like parrots about their past. Sex can be just a
physical act, with no emotional attachment, especially for men, so think before
you speak.
People get into relationships for
various reasons: Not everybody is with their partner because they love and want to
share the rest of their lives with them. People get into relationships for all
kinds of selfish reasons so don't be too quick to share too much, too soon. Not
all relationships end well and sometimes a jilted lover can become your worse
nightmare if they decide to use what you’ve told them against you.
If the relationship is still young,
share only what he/she NEEDs to know---Everyone deserves to know who they are getting involved with but you
can date someone for months and still not KNOW that person. You can also be
open and honest without being naïve. If you have not spent enough time together
for you to determine that you can trust the person, be careful how much you share.
People can be vindictive when things don’t work out.
Love is a wonderful
thing and the high that comes from being in love is an incredible feeling but
keep your head firmly screwed onto your body. Be wise when it comes to
information about your past. Think before you spill.
Marie Berbick is a
communications specialist, motivational speaker and founder of the women’s
ministry Sisters United for Prayer, Healing, Empowerment & Restoration.
(SUPHER). Keep up with her on or follow her on twitter @thePR Girl. Email
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