How many times have
you heard women lament that their best friend ‘stole’ their man? A woman ending
up with her best friend’s boyfriend is not strange, it happens more often than
we think. I don’t believe anyone can ‘steal’ a man or woman from their partner.
A person cannot be made to leave you unless they want to but sometimes a woman,
without even realizing it, can create opportunities for her man to get with
other women.
Good men exist but good
doesn’t mean perfect and this is a lesson too many women are yet to grasp.
While some men do love and respect their women very much and will not go
seeking opportunities to cheat, a different scenario exists when a woman places
temptation within easy reach of her man. That temptation comes in the form of
other females who are close to her, including best friend/s and relatives.
Remember most men do
not need to love a woman, to desire her. Although there are men who would
prefer to lock themselves away to avoid the temptation of cheating with an
attractive female, who is basically being handed to them on a platter, there
are others who will definitely seize the opportunity. In some cases, it does
not mean he always wanted to cheat on his woman but here is a situation where
he didn’t even have to put any real effort into hunting.
Here are some key things to note:
1. Not every man has the will power to refuse an attractive woman- Men are highly
visual beings. Even if a man loves you, it doesn’t mean he wont find other
women attractive. If a man feels a strong sexual desire for a woman who is
easily available to him, he rarely thinks about what will happen after
he gets with her. The prey came right into his hands and his first instinct is
normally to have the meal then deal with the repercussions afterward. It’s the depth of love and respect he has for
you, his principles, a genuine desire to not hurt you and will power that help
him remain loyal.
2. A good
girlfriend is a gem to have, but a girlfriend loving you, doesn’t mean she wont
be jealous of what you have- There are some loyal girlfriends who would
never for a moment consider flirting with or trying to get with their friend’s
boyfriend/husband. However, there are many who certainly will, if the opportunity
presents itself. Ideally we would want a world where there are people who have
no room for certain feelings in their heart but every human being is capable of
feelings of jealousy and envy. For women, that includes being jealous of the
man in your life, especially if he treats you well.
3. Establish boundaries with females who stay over at your house—if a female friend or
relative is visiting for an extended period, be sure to have a talk with them
before the first night they stay over. Let them understand what you expect in
terms of how they present themselves around your spouse. Nothing is wrong with
telling them that revealing clothes should not be worn in the presence of your
spouse. It’s your house. Anyone who visits should respect your rules.
4. Don’t be an enabler to your own peril--- There are women who
have a very trusting relationship with their female friends and feel very
comfortable about them spending time alone with their spouse. Some women even ask their girlfriends
to accompany their boyfriend to places, without them. Depending on the level of
trust that exists between yourself and your partner and yourself and your
friend, there might not be any reason to think this could backfire. But be
mindful that the more time a person spends in the company of another, the
greater the bond they develop, so don’t get too comfortable with this practice.
5. You don’t need to be Matlock but you need to be wise - A man is an adult and
if he values what he has with you, you shouldn’t have to go out of your way to
keep him from slipping up. This is the logical view, but the truth is that we
are imperfect beings seeking a perfect relationship which is just not possible
so a smart woman will not set herself and her relationship up for drama. Men
know how other men think and that is why most are wary of even their own
friends being alone with their women. A woman should start thinking like a man
when it comes to protecting what she has. Simply put, no female associate
whether it is a close friend, colleague or relative, should be left alone with
your man for any extended period…especially if she isn’t in a happy
relationship. Don’t rub butter in puss mouth.